Snowy Egret Photos

14 thoughts on “Snowy Egret Photos

  1. This is nature at its best. A true delight for sore eyes, it puts a big smile on my face. You seem to have a very special love affair with your camera, Phil.

  2. WOW!!! Awesome captures….you must have a fabulous zoom lens…I have to actually be pretty close to my subjects right now…but I’m hoping to upgrade the lens next year…it would be nice…

    • Hi Mitzi! Thanks very much for checking out these snowy pics!
      Yes a longer lens can help bring the subjects in a bit closer. Somehow the best shots often seem to be juuuust a bit too far off. 😉

      • Absolutely Phil! Glad I checked out your site, which I likely would have never found had you not left a comment on my post today–so thanks for that! And just so you know, all of my posts, whether they be just photography or the tales are filled with my photography. I’m just a freelance photographer, with no official training to speak of…but I think my love of photography and the world around me pretty much covers everything else. You are right too…the best shots are always just too far off. My zoom is only up to 55 so that should give you an indication as to just how close I get to a lot of my subjects. OK…sorry about the book… 😉 have a great weekend!

  3. Hi Phil,
    I’m impressed with the images you captured. I think you might be of the school of thought that if you wait for it, something special will happen in nature. Florida is a year round treasure for wildlife. My Canon G11 PowerShot allows 20x zoom, but without my tripod, the outcomes are a little fuzzy around the edges. And on this trip I got a couple of scratches on my lens (perhaps when shelling at Sanibel). Your photos are inspiring. With me, it’s more luck than skill, but I share the same interest in being in nature and using my camera as a tool of remembrance.

    • Hi Mary, thanks very much for your visit here I greatly appreciate it. And yes indeed I sure do put in a lot of time waiting (and often hoping) something will happen. Although I do sometimes get rewarded with some decent photos, I have also been skunked on more then one occasion.
      Too bad about the scratched lens on your camera, that’s never good.

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