Snowy Fly and Fluff

This afternoon a snowy egret came flying into the salt marsh (completely ignored by the larger great egret) he touched down, then proceeded to get all fluffed up about whatever the snowy issue du jour was.

Snowy Fly and Fluff

Snowy Fly and Fluff

Snowy Fly and Fluff 03

19 thoughts on “Snowy Fly and Fluff

  1. Such a show-off! However – when you have plumage with that beautiful tracery (which you so cleverly show against the contrasting background, I note!) who can blame him?!

  2. Miss these beautiful birds, your pictures are giving me such thoughts of moving back down south….miss the beauty and nature of it….thank you for these beautiful pictures, they are giving me inspiration and motivation….:-)))

  3. Geez, the extreme fluff. These guys could easily be cats – they seem to display the same behavioral characteristics! Really liked that stretch out for the landing, too. 🙂

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