Surprise Visitor

Late Sunday evening as we were returning home from the marsh, we drove by one of the ponds behind our house and noticed something unusual. In among some Canada Geese that we see all the time, was this one white bird that stood out from the rest. Even though it was quite dark by then, I still had to jump out of the car and grab a quick photo. Bad light requiring high ISO got this rather grainy image of what turned out to be a Snow Goose hanging at the edge of the water with his Canada buddies. So yesterday afternoon I went back out hoping the Canada Geese and their new friend would still be around. They were, so I got a few pics of this handsome looking Snow Goose which is a rare treat for us!

65 thoughts on “Surprise Visitor

  1. Gorgeous bird, Phil. Looks like he came to visit his plainer cousin. “Alligators may live here”…….. is that a warning , or just permission for the allis to take up residence? 😆

    • Yes all them geeses do speak the same language I believe. 😀 But they are not big readers. Lucky that sign only indicates what *could* be in the pond, not what is definitely in the pond right now. 🙂
      Thanks much for looking!

  2. Here’s hoping. If we can see hundreds of Snow Geese every fall and one finds its way into your neighbourhood. lt seems logical that at least one alligator would show up here. I better start watching.

    • See I like the way you think! That’s what you call positive thinking! So sure, it *could* happen. 😀
      Keep a close eye out, those gators can be sneaky, and often where there is one… 😯

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