White Pelicans Fall Visit

This past November we had three American White Pelicans show up in the marsh pond for a short visit.

At times they stayed to themselves in a tight little group, but at other times it sure looked like they were having a lot of fun flying and splashing around with the various birds including cormorants, gulls, herons, and egrets.

Always enjoy seeing these very large birds arrive in our area. They are not rare, but they are uncommon, so it’s a treat for sure!

White Pelicans Fall Visit 01

White Pelicans Fall Visit 02

White Pelicans Fall Visit 03

White Pelicans Fall Visit 04



12 thoughts on “White Pelicans Fall Visit

  1. Thanks for sharing. My goodness, your earlier post ( first one in a long time) made me so happy. Todayā€™s post did exactly the same thing. A big grin and excited quick read to see todayā€™s ā€œeye candyā€ from you! So very glad you are up and running again. You have been missed! I remember the first time I ever saw a white pelican . . . In Yellowstone!

    • I greatly appreciate your kind words Marta and I’m happy you have checked back in to see these new posts!
      My plan moving forward is to do a sort of ‘looking back’ retrospective of various wildlife and activities that took place during the past Spring and Summer. I did get out some, and saw fun birds like the pink spoonbills. šŸ™‚

  2. I agree with Marta’s comment. I, too was very happy to see you back.
    And the Pelicans fitting in with the rest of the water birds was so pleasing to see.
    Great pictures.

  3. Your pictures are always great and you seem to be able to capture a story every time!! Look forward to see what you come up with next!!

  4. I am so very happy to see these beautiful captures again. Thank you so much for posting, and sharing marsh life. I will keep checking back. What great shots of the pelicans. I’m in the middle of reading “American Wolf” right now. Lots of scopes and watching wolves’ habits.

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