Grey Day, But Not For Everyone

Looking up all I could see was a dull grey sky and assumed that was how it would be for everyone.

But when I saw this osprey gliding above me, I realized that from his view, the world must be full of all sorts of colorful and interesting sights.

Grey Day For An Osprey

Shake It Off

On a recent afternoon I was interested in watching this egret’s drying off technique. He seemed compelled to get himself all in a twist to make sure every last drop of water went flying off.

Looked to me like it worked fine but what do I know? 🙂

Shaking It Off

Shaking It Off

Shaking It Off


Earlier this week, trying out your best standing on one leg routine seemed to be all the rage over at the salt marsh.

I’m giving the win on this one to the egret.

The ibis gets points for effort, but didn’t have the technique down perfectly.

The great blue heron looks like he ‘thinks’ he should win, if only factoring in his coolness factor.

But the egret had the most style I thought and deserves the first place prize.




Just Cruisin’ The Salt Marsh

This afternoon we were watching a brown pelican as it took a leisurely glide back and forth across the salt marsh.

The pelican would occasionally hop up and jump at a fish but mostly he was just taking it slow.

A great blue heron paid no attention to the pelican as it cruised on by, which surprised me a bit because I doubt that heron has seen a lot of pelicans lately.

Pelican Cruising The Salt Marsh

Pelican Cruising The Salt Marsh

Pelican Cruising The Salt Marsh

Muddy Ibis

A white ibis knocks back a small fish it just plucked out of the water in the salt marsh among the oyster beds yesterday afternoon.

Whenever I see one of these guys looking all filthy I can’t figure out how the bright white egrets manage to stay so clean while the ibis often get covered in marsh mud.

Oh well, the ibis are fun and unusual bird and I always enjoy watching them at ‘work’.

Muddy Ibis Fishing in the Salt Marsh


Sometimes It’s Just Not Worth The Effort

Two snowy egrets were fishing together in the salt marsh this afternoon when one plucked out a pretty nice fish.

Well… snowys being snowys, nothing can just be simple, everything has to be a giant production. So of course the one in the back gets his head feathers all raised up in a huge display and starts to chase his lucky friend who has the sense to starting running off with his prize.

But the chase stopped almost as quickly as it began. So apparently even a snowy can recognize a lost cause and cut his losses and just let the other guy keep his fish.

I did feel a little bad for him though. In that last photo snowball does have kind of a dejected look on his face when he concludes it’s hopeless and he’s now just standing there with his wings tucked back in watching a successful escape.

Snowys Fighting Over A Fish

Snowys Fighting Over A Fish

Snowys Fighting Over A Fish

“Hey Guy, Nice Catch!”

On a recent afternoon, this wood stork came gliding in low across the salt marsh.

The funny part is that if you look closely in the lower right corner of the first photo, and the lower left corner of the second photo, you can see a blue heron standing there in the water with nice size fish hanging out of his yap.

Woody seemed excited for his friend’s good fortune. Well, actually I made that part up. Woody more probably wishes he had caught that fish!

Hey Guy Nice Catch

Hey Guy Nice Catch

Hey Guy Nice Catch

After A Long day Of Fishing…

A tricolored heron takes a break from fishing in the marsh pond at the end of the day.

These are extremely active birds and after a few hard hours of fishing, their battery needs to recharge.

The early evening autumn sunlight makes this cute little guy stand out rather nicely.

Tricolor Done Fishing

Tricolor Done Fishing